Originally chartered in 1961, the Louisiana Beta Chapter has established itself as a top fraternity on campus and in the nation. After a period of absence, SigEp presence was once again felt at LSU in the Spring of 1992 with the founding of a new colony. Thanks to countless hours of hard work by many, the colony grew into the fully chartered LA Beta Sigma Phi Epsilon and past history and recent history became one. In 2007, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2021, and most recently in 2023 SigEp at LSU was awarded the National Fraternity's highest honor, the Buchanan Cup.
Our chapter has a rich tradition of being very active on campus. Our brothers have served as Student Body Presidents, Homecoming Kings, and Interfraternity Council Presidents, as well as various leadership positions all across the university.
Since 2008, Louisiana Beta has raised over $62,000 for Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baton Rouge. This money helps give "at-risk" children a safe home and sets them on track to earn a college degree. In 2011 alone, LA Beta raised $20,125 for Boys Hope Girls Hope. For our outstanding philanthropic contributions, the chapter was recently awarded the Lt. Governor's Louisiana Service Award.
Even while consistently maintaining one of the highest GPA's among fraternities at LSU, SigEp maintains a very active social calendar. Every year, SigEp hosts exchanges with sororities on campus, bus trips across the state, a formal and semi-formal, as well as tailgates for every home football game and post-game parties. Through this, Louisiana Beta has become known as the gentlemen on campus.